Pompa Pemanas Air

Rumah Pompa Pemanas Air

12C Silent DC Inverter Pump For Water Pressure Booster

small shower booster pump

12C Silent DC Inverter Pump For Water Pressure Booster

The Inverter DC Pump for water heaters is a cutting-edge solution designed to optimize water pressure in systems with low or fluctuating water supply. Using inverter DC pump technology, it adapts to the required flow, ensuring a consistent and powerful water output while consuming less energy.

  • Aliran Maks :

    38L/min ±1
  • Kepala Maks :

    9M ± 1
  • Nilai daya :

    50W (1±10%)
  • Disesuaikan :


12V Silent DC Inverter Pump for Water Pressure Booster – Boost Your Water Pressure with Quiet, Efficient Power


Introducing the 12V Silent DC Inverter Pump for Water Pressure Booster, the perfect solution for improving water pressure in showers and other low-pressure applications. Whether you're looking for a small shower booster pump or a reliable pressure booster for your water system, this compact yet powerful pump is the ideal choice.


With inverter DC pump technology, the water plus booster pump delivers consistent, high-performance water pressure while ensuring silent operation—perfect for those who value peace and quiet in their homes. Designed to fit into tight spaces with its light & compact design, this pump is both energy-efficient and maintenance-free, offering long-lasting, hassle-free performance.

Silent water plus booster pump

Key Features:


  • Silent Operation: Enjoy quiet ≤40dB@1m, unobtrusive operation with the 12V Silent DC Inverter Pump, designed to reduce noise and improve comfort.
  • Long Lifetime: Built with durable, high-quality components, ensuring a long lifetime of reliable service.
  • Energy Efficient: The advanced inverter technology adapts to your needs, providing optimal power usage for maximum energy savings.
  • Low Maintenance: The brushless DC motor eliminates the need for regular maintenance, providing a hassle-free experience.
  • Light & Compact Design: Its small, space-saving design allows for easy installation in tight spaces, ideal for residential or commercial applications.


Upgrade your water system with the 12V Silent DC Inverter Pump for Water Pressure Booster, and enjoy consistent water pressure without the noise, maintenance, or high energy bills.


water booster pump data


THERMO automatic shower booster pump  CWP040C is designed to be high efficient, quite and compact which application in water heater. With strictly QC system that all pumps are 100% inspection before packing. The feature of our BLDC pumps are:

Small size

Long lifetime

Lower noise

Dry-running protection

Over-current protection

Over-voltage protection

Lower-voltage protection

Over-temperature protection

Constant power

Static seal design to prevent leakage




Thermo Pumps win a good reputation in the market after several years. Its with widely applications including: smart toilet, water heated mattress, water heater, electric vehicle, computer cooling, motorcycle, aquarium, ice maker, water dispenser, coffee machine, beverage machine, dishwasher and others kitchen appliances. 

DC Inverter Pump Applications



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